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Student Links
Student Portal
Access your homework, see your timetable and more
Microsoft Office at Home
Students at St Laurence can download Microsoft Office 365 at home for free

About your school accounts
First time logging in?
If you are new to St Laurence, the first thing you will need to do is get your school username and password; these will be given to you in an introduction session at the beginning of the school year, or by the house team if you joined part way through the year.
Once you have your school login details, you will use these to access most of the school systems, including the Student Portal.
Problem with your account?
If you are having problems with your account, or think that someone may know your password, then please visit the IT department by knocking on IT office door just outside of the ILC. You can visit before or after school, or during your break or lunchtime.
What is my school email address?
Your school email address is your school username followed by ''.
Information about the Student Portal
You can use the student portal to see your homework assignments, view your timetable, sign up for clubs and much more.
This is also where you will find links to other school resources, like Kerboodle, MyMaths, GCSEPod, etc.
Is there an app for that?
Yes, there is an app for both Android and Apple devices. When logging in using the app instead of a web browser, the process is a little bit different. Please read this guide which will show you how to get logged in.
Trouble logging in?
The most important thing to remember when logging in to the Student Portal, is to click the "Login with Microsoft Account" button. Once you've done that, you can login with your school email address and password.
If you are still having trouble accessing your Student Portal account, then please check you've followed the steps in this help guide.
If that doesn't work, then speak to your tutor who will try to resolve your problem. If they are unable to help, then they will direct you to visit the IT department.
Information about School Email
Your school email is one of the ways in which staff will contact you. It's important to check your school email regularly to make sure you don't miss anything.
You will also use your school email to register for services such as UCAS.
Information about OneDrive
OneDrive is where all your school documents are stored. Whenever you save a file on a school computer, you're saving it to OneDrive.
That means you can access your school files and documents from anywhere, just login with your school email address and password.
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