School Policies
A list of School Policies are below with links to PDFs files. If you cannot find the policy you are looking for please contact the headteacher’s PA.
Please refer to the Join Us menu of this website for Admission Policies.
Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request.
As a values-led Church school, our aim in all our policies and practices is to live out in practice our Christian values and ethos. We believe that people – both adults and children – are our treasure, as a gift from God. This core belief is at our heart and what we try to reflect in how we behave and in the approaches we take. We want our policies to be rooted in Christian values and reflect the diverse and inclusive nature of our school and Diocese.
This approach underpins our policies in every category and sits alongside all the statutory and best practice content:
Safeguarding and child protection
Ethos and inclusivity
Curriculum, assessment and progression
Health and Welfare
Special Educational Needs
Charges and Financial Support for Learning
Each time we review these policies we come back to our Christian vision and decide whether we need to make adjustments which more adequately and effectively express how well we live out that vision in relationships and partnerships with key stakeholders.
This process is, of course, never complete, as we continue to reflect and learn from our own experiences and those of other schools.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Ethos and Inclusivity
Curriculum, Assessment and Progression
Charges and Financial Learning Support