In Year Admissions
The St Laurence School admission policy applies solely to applications for places at St Laurence School. As an Academy St Laurence School acts as its own authority. The Governing Body is responsible for determining the procedures and policies. All applications are made via the Wiltshire School Admissions team for reasons of safeguarding and coordination.
The admission policy of St Laurence School is, while there are adequate places, to offer a place to all applicants irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity or country of origin, disability or academic ability.
Parents who wish to apply for their child to enter the school other than in the September of Year 7 should contact the Headteacher’s PA (01225 309506) in the first instance or via email (see contacts below).
To apply for a school place please complete an In-Year Transfer Application form via Wiltshire County Council (Apply for a school place – Wiltshire Council). Once processed, you will receive notification of whether you have been offered a place. If you are unsuccessful and wish to appeal this decision, please see the information below.
Admissions Policies and Appeals
Copies of St Laurence School’s Admissions policy can be found in the downloads section at the bottom of our ‘Year 7 Admissions’ page here
This school participates in the Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol.
Key Contacts