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In Good Faith...

At St Laurence School, the safety and welfare of our students is a priority. If you are a St Laurence Student and would like to safely disclose something to us, please complete the form via the link below. This could include bullying, online bullying, other online issues, family / friendship/ relationship worries, mental health and wellbeing, eating disorders, sleep, gender identity or there may be something else.

All academic enquiries should be made to the classroom teacher or Head of Department.

Where does this form go?


It will go to our dedicated safeguarding team.

Is the information you tell us anonymous?


No. The sharing of names with our safeguarding team will allow us to swiftly deal with the disclosure made.

Is the information you tell us confidential?

Please be reassured that your disclosure will be dealt with discretely, however the safeguarding team may need to share your information with other staff and agencies for child protection purposes.

Important to note:

In Good Faith is not monitored during school closures, including evenings, weekends and school holidays.

If you are in crisis, or need support before school re-opens, please call Childline on 0800 1111.

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General Enquiries: 01225 309500

Student Absence: 01225 309501


St Laurence School, Ashley Road, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1DZ


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St Laurence School Academy Trust - A company limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales No 07698410 - An exempt charity

© 2023 St Laurence School. All rights reserved.

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