Documents, Letters and Forms
A selection of frequently used forms, letters and information documents are available below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the school.
Information about how to read your child’s report can be found on the Curriculum Overview page on the Curriculum menu.
Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request.
Music Lessons
Travel and School Buses Timetables
Please see the Transport page on the website for school bus timetables and forms.
Free School Meals
Free School Meals are confidential
St Laurence School has a biometric cashless catering system, which means that it is easy for pupils to buy a free school meal without anyone else knowing. Pupils whose parents have registered for free meals have the value of a meal credited automatically on to their biometric account. They use their finger scan or pin code to purchase their meal in the normal way.
Eligibility for free school meals
A child will be eligible for Free School Meals if their parents or guardians are in receipt of:
Income Support.
Income-based Job Seekers Allowance.
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 – National Asylum
Seekers Support (NASS).
The guarantee element of State Pension Credit.
Child tax Credit, as long as you are NOT entitled to any element of Working Tax
Credit and the family income does not exceed £16,190.
Working Tax Credit ‘run-on’ – the payment you receive for a further four weeks
After you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
Universal Credit.
Why do we want to encourage registration for free school meals?
Even if a pupil chooses not to get their free meal, the school receives additional funding for every child registered. Pupils who are registered for free meals are also eligible for other support from the school, such as for trips and uniform.
The application form is available for download below or from Wiltshire Council: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/schools-learning