Headteacher's Welcome
It is a great privilege to be the Headteacher of St Laurence. We are a thriving and successful comprehensive academy where great and equal value is placed on both academic excellence and developing the whole person. We work hard to create opportunities for every student to achieve to their full potential and have the best possible preparation for adult life. In the words of our mission statement: we care, we inspire, we succeed. As one visitor commented, “a school with head and heart working together”.
We benefit from a dual foundation status. One of these is the Diocese of Salisbury, meaning that we are a Church of England school. We are fully inclusive, welcoming students of all faiths and none, and we believe that our Christian foundation provides a context within which to foster a sense of understanding and compassion for others. We are proud to have the Lord Fitzmaurice Educational Trust as the other part of our foundation. The Trust links us firmly to our community and Lord Fitzmaurice’s vision of creating opportunities for all local young people through education is very much alive today at St Laurence.
In March 2022, our Statutory inspection from the Church deemed us ‘Excellent in all Areas’ and our Ofsted Inspection in December 2022 confirmed we remain a Good school, with staff and students proud and happy to attend. Both inspections identified a relentless commitment to ensuring that our young people thrive and achieve their best.
We have a great reputation for the many opportunities for personal development our students enjoy: superb Performing Arts productions, a huge programme of clubs, sport, overseas expeditions, exchange programmes and residential “challenge” weeks. In all of these, the development of confidence, enjoyment and leadership are as important to us as high levels of performance and achievement.
My staff work with huge commitment, professionalism and passion to make this a reality for all our youngsters. That said, we can be most successful when we work in close partnership with parents. We are committed to developing trust, openness and support so that together we can enable your children to flourish.
Tim Farrer
Please click here to access the School’s Performance Table on the DfE website.