Welcome To
St Laurence 6th Form
Apply to 6th Form at St Laurence
All St Laurence 6th Form Application Forms need to be completed and submitted by Friday 29th November. We would encourage early completion where possible to secure places in popular option choice.
The formal process for 6th Form applications is now closed. However, we can still consider late applications. If you would like to apply please email Mrs Jo Brown at joabro@st-laurence.com
St Laurence 6th Form is a vibrant, dynamic and motivational learning community; students leave with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to face their future with confidence. You will find us to be a warm and welcoming 6th Form. This is borne out by the increasing cohort of students that join us from other schools because of our growing reputation for successful achievement.
We have an excellent academic record and a well-documented legacy of success for our students applying to Oxbridge, Russell group and other universities, with many securing places to their first choice. You may choose the apprenticeship route or go directly into employment after 6th Form - our carefully structured programme will give you all the information you need to make aspirational and informed choices.
Our 6th Form prioritises student well-being. We understand the pressures you face as young people in a constantly changing society and strive to provide support throughout your time with us through our tailored PSHE Core programme, Counselling or Careers Advice.
We believe in nurturing physical and mental well-being by having fun and, at the same time, giving back to the school and wider community. We provide opportunities to lead on our many charity events such as our popular charity fun run. These experiences develop the ability to support others through developing your own leadership skills while also supporting fellow students. We are really excited to meet you and join you on your journey to the next steps in St Laurence 6th Form.
Aidan Blowers
Director of St Laurence 6th Form

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